A Tome of Righteous Fire Wiki

Falconheart was a sword and title created by Dedrick Albrecht during the Blackwood Uprising.

The Sword[]

Falconheart is an elaborate broadsword, crafted from khorium and adamantium. The blade crafted to be 48 inches in length, its hilt an additional 15 inches. The guard was forged into the shape of a falcon's wings, spread outward. Weighing around 15 lbs, it was a very heavy, though well balanced weapon.

The Title[]

The title of Falconheart conferred with it the ability to name knights and command all forces as though the liege lord himself during a time of war.

The following served as Falconhearts.


Lord Eugine Pendleton served as the Falconheart during the Queen's War.  Following his defeat at the hands of {Commander Chillings} the sword was left implanted within the hill that he died on.  Seeing this, Queen Madelynne Albrecht vowed that when the time for a great champion should come he will free the sword from the earth and see the enemies of Lordaeron vanquished with steel and Light. 

That champion was found in Lord Danyl Graves who overcame the Trials of the Falconheart and became the new Falconheart.  The first to have no ties to either Albrecht or Pendleton blood. 
