A Tome of Righteous Fire Wiki
Dervon Currington

The Last-Lord







Marshal of Ravenwood
Baron of Blackvale
Warden of the Northern Pass


The Last-Lord


Kingdom of Lordaeron
(Vis)County of Ravenwood
House of Currington



Immediate Relatives

Bronwyn Currington(Wife, deceased)
Bedwyr Currington(Son, deceased)
Cerdic Curringtin(Son, decease)
Richard Currington(Nephew, alive)

Dervon Currington was the Baron of Blackvale and last lord of Ravenwood to pass after the Third War. He was a skilled tactician and strategist and was commonly know for being a fair ruler. His successful campaigns made him popular amongst the soldiers of Ravenwood and was well known to give good advice to commanders of Lordaeron. He died to due health complications in the presence of Richard Currington.

Physical Description[]

Dervon is a tall man, standing at 6' 7". His hair has gone grey due to his age and stress. Despite his age, it seems that he's still able to wear his armor and wield a sword.



Dervon Currington was born the first son of the House of Currington. It was previously thought that his father and mother could not conceive a child, but Dervon proved otherwise. At the age of five, the House of Currington's honor was called into question by the then Viscount of Ravenwood Alfred Andro after the Curringtons did not participate in the final battle between the House of Fleetwood. As a result, Dervon was given as a ward to Alfred Andro as a token of loyalty. He grew up next to Alexandros Andro.

His education was mainly geared towards the administration of baronies, such as mathematics, reading, writing and other more learned arts. Dervon had never been very good in the martial side of things. The Master-of-Arms of Ravenwood compared his fighting skills to "... that of a fledgling fowl." However, in order to make up for his lack of martial prowess he learned the minutia of tactics and strategy.

He became the squire to Alfred Andro at the onset of the First War, but did not see action until he became a full man.

Coming of Age and Inheritance[]

Upon becoming a full man, Dervon was given back to the Currington's. He was given the command of a small group of men-at-arms and regularly participated in hearings of justice for the smallfolk that called Blackvale home. He became well-liked amongst the smallfolk for his firm but fair rulings.

During the Second War and the Orcish clan raids into Ravenwood, the Currington's led the charge against the forays into Ravenwood. In a rather bloody skirmish, Dervon's father died while fighting off several Orcish warriors. The Currington men-at-arms retreated, but Dervon later led another combined group of knights and men-at-arms to defeat a larger Orcish force.

After the Second War ended, Dervon returned to Blackvale to gain his rightful title. It was bestowed upon him, along with the familial longsword 'Squirrel's Paw'.

The Fall of Lordaeron[]



Dervon in his armor wielding Squirrel's Paw

Reclamation of Ravenwood[]



Dervon has mostly spent his time ensuring the security of Ravenwood. He has been largely responsible to re-manning the towers that lay in the smaller passes, along with coordinating the repopulation and rebuilding of Ravenwood. It was he who put Throstan's idea of commerating Sir Aelrid and Sir Alekander's sacifice on the field of Aelrid's Stand into statue form. Lastly, he has been educating the bastards Jon, Aldwin, and Bathor Sparrow.


Dervon Currington succumbed to his poor health in his old age. He was burned at field of Aelrid's Stand with his ashes scattered across it. Several hundred soldiers and citizens of Ravenwood were in attendeance for the funeral.


  • Bumped his age up to be more representative of what I envisioned.